Viewing Dashboards
Kubit Dashboards are powerful tools to share insights, see what you can explore as a viewer of one
What is a Dashboard?
On a Dashboard, you can visualize results from multiple analyses simultaneously. The charts can be refreshed on a schedule to keep track of key metrics. You can create multiple dashboards that contain different charts. All the charts are interactive.
If you aren't creating dashboards, this article will review how to explore them as a viewer. Kubit allows for several interactive features that let you drill deep into insights without modifying the dashboard.
More information about creating dashboards is available here.
Kubit Dashboards As a Viewer
By default, all dashboards in Kubit are visible to viewers via Search or Published Dashboards. Let's learn more about these two options.
Finding a Dashboard via Search
At the top center navigation area, you will see the Universal Search bar. Click on it to open our Search and select "Dashboard" from the top section of the search window.
Now you will see a list of all Dashboards in Kubit. You can be more specific and filter to a certain Creator or Schema to find dashboards created by members of your team.

Published Dashboards
Published dashboards are dashboards that have been created and published by members of your team. Publishing a dashboard means they want others in the organization to easily find and see the information on the dashboard.
You will see all Published Dashboards on the left-hand panel in the Dashboards section of Kubit. You may also see a folder structure that contains additional dashboards.
Exploring a Dashboard
Once you've found or had a dashboard link shared with you, what can you do? A lot! Watch this short video outlining all the features available to a dashboard viewer in Kubit.
Updated 17 days ago