Receive events from mParticle
mParticle is a popular choice for event instrumentation. If you are using mParticle, you can share your event data with Kubit in a couple of ways:
- By using mParticle's Snowflake integration to start forwarding all events to a Kubit Snowflake account.
- If you are already storing the mParticle event tables in Snowflake/BigQuery/Databricks you can also share them with Kubit following the corresponding Direct Connect guide.
Snowflake integration steps
- Kubit will provide you with the Snowflake credentials for the destination.
- Follow the mParticle setup steps to add the integration.
- By default, the integration begins loading current data into Snowflake from the time it is enabled.
JSON ahead
mParticle dumps all the data into a JSON column in a Snowflake table, so while the data is queryable, it is highly likely to require some modelling effort in order to achieve reasonable analytics performance over large datasets.
Handling historical data
You can work with your mParticle Customer Service Manager to load historical data.
Share already persisted tables using Secure Data Sharing
If you already have modelled your events data into a data warehouse you can directly share that through Direct Connect. The benefit of this approach is that you have full control of your data model and no modeling needs to be done on the Kubit end.
Updated about 1 month ago