AWS IAM Identity Center
Navigate to the IAM Identity Center on your AWS Management Console.
Select Applications under Applications assignments.
Click on the Add application button.
On the Select application type screen, select I have an application I want to set up and SAML 2.0.
In the display name type
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Download the SAML metadata file and share it security with the Kubit Team.
Select 8-hour session duration.
Fill up the Application ACS URL, Application SAML audience, and Application start URL with the values provided by the Kubit Team.
Under the Kubit application screen click on Edit attribute mappings under Actions.
Add the attributes mappings for email, name, given_name, family_name, and picture. Make sure to provide user attribute values that match your IAM Identity Center attribute names.
On the Assign users to Kubit screen select the groups you would like to use with the Kubit platform.
Updated 18 days ago