Time to Convert Mode in Funnel
How much time does it take users to convert between steps?
Time to Convert
Mode in Funnel
Time to Convert
Mode in FunnelPeople ask the question - how much time does it take on average for users to transition between the steps in a Funnel? Here's how to answer that in Kubit, first you need to select Time to Convert

When a Funnel is executed in Time to Convert
mode the resulting chart shows you:
- how much time it took users on average on a particular step of the Funnel before they converted to the next step.
- what percentage of users took X amount of time before they converted to the next step.
By default you see the time to convert between the first two Steps and thus only they are selected. You can select any other 2 consecutive Steps or you can select all Steps to see how much time it takes users to convert through the whole Funnel:

Depending on the Conversion Window
length, Kubit will generate up to 60 buckets on the chart with the following possible lengths:
- Seconds: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45
- Minutes: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45
- Hours: 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18
- 1 hour
Conversion Window
will be split to 60 buckets of 1 minute length - 2 hours
Conversion Window
will be split to 60 buckets of 2 minutes length - 6 hours
Conversion Window
will be split to 60 buckets of 10 minutes length
Consider the image below. In this example Conversion Window = 600s
and thus the resulting chart has 60 buckets with 10s length each:

Sometimes you will need to run multiple analyses to find the right granularity of the
Conversion Window
. Say you start with a window of 1 day and find out all conversions happen within the first hour. Then you'd switch that to one hour and find all (or most) conversions happen within the first 10 minutes. Then you can narrow down the window still to see the distribution in seconds.
There are a few limitations:
- Only
Partition: Conversion Window
is available to allow for the analysis to execute in reasonable time. It is limited to 1 Day or the equivalent in Seconds/Minutes/Hours - Can only see
Time to Convert
between 2 consecutive Steps or all Steps in the Funnel. You will see an empty chart whenever you select anything else as there will be no data.
Updated 12 days ago