Learn how to manage the data available in Kubit
What is Dictionary?
Within Kubit you can analyze data shared from your warehouse, but where can you see all available data? You can look no further than Dictionary.
In Dictionary you can see and manage the following:
- Warehouse Data, directly from your warehouse tables.
- All Events and the corresponding Fields shared with Kubit.
- Catalog, saved items like Virtual Events, Saved Filters, Saved Measures, and Binning.
All items within Dictionary are separated by Schemas within Kubit. A Schema is the collection of data you can analyze together. Think of them like projects within your warehouse.

Quick Access Dictionary
Quick Access Dictionary is our workflow dictionary feature. It allows you to see your data organized right within the report builder. This should reduce the amount of back and forth between separate screens!
Additionally, you can drag and drop data from the quick-access dictionary onto the report builder, speeding up workflows.

Update Descriptions From Dictionary
You are able to modify Event, Measure, Virtual Event, or Saved filter descriptions directly in the Dictionary UI! Simply click the Description field and update the information as needed.
If you are sharing your Event Descriptions via your Cloud Data Warehouse you will not be able to update them via the UI so we preserve the source of truth.
Virtual Events, Filters, and Measures will be editable in the UI however.

See Descriptions in the Report Builder
You'll see those newly added descriptions in the Report builder when you hover over those items. This is great for adding context and confidence to end users and making sure they use the correct item in their analysis.

Edit permission required to rename
In order to modify descriptions you must have 'Edit' permissions on the object. If you try to update a Virtual Event but don't have permission to edit them, you will not be able to make your change.
Rename Events in Dictionary
If events need to be renamed you can do this directly from Dictionary. Fields are currently not able to be renamed as their mapping is integral to Kubit's functionality.
Simply click the Name of the Event you want to change the name of and type in the new text.

Sequence of actions
Once you rename something and the old name is being used on your report, you must remove the old named item and re-add the renamed one before you can execute.
Rename Virtual Events, Measures, and Filters, in Dictionary
If virtual events, measures, or filters need to be renamed you are able to do this directly from Dictionary. Fields are not able to be renamed as their mapping is integral to Kubit's functionality.
Simply click on the Name of the item you want to change the name of and type in the new name.

Sequence of actions to follow
Once you rename something and the old name is being used on your report, you must remove the old named item and re-add the renamed one before you can execute.
Tag Items in Dictionary
In addition to adding descriptions of your data items directly from the Kubit UI, you are now able to categorize your data to make discovery easier for your users. All of these actions can be performed in the Dictionary section of Kubit.
In Kubit you're able to add tags to:
- Events
- Fields
- Measures
- Filters
- Virtual events
Tags are used as natural ways to group items into similar categories. An item can have multiple tags, think of it like adding a hashtag to a social media post.
Tag permission is required to create or modify tags
Only users with Tag permissions are able to create or modify Tags. In Kubit, the permission to create or modify tags is available to the Admin and Governor roles. All users will see Tags.
Here is an example of some events:
Event Name | Description | Tag(s) | |
Login | A user logs into the platform | Core Experience | |
Sign Up | A user signs up to the platform | Core Experience | |
Check Out Start | A user sees the first page of the checkout flow | Purchase | |
Check Out Complete | A user clicks the "Complete Check Out" button | Purchase | |
Add to Cart | A user adds an item to their cart | Core Experience, Purchase |
Create a Tag
In Kubit you are able to create these Tags via the Dictionary page.
- Navigate to Dictionary > Item you want to Tag
- Click into the Tag column of the Item you want to add a Tag to
- Type in the name of the Tag you want to create
- Click "Create New Tag"
- If there is a Tag with that name already you can simply click the existing Tag
- After it's created then click "Apply Tags"
You're able to bulk edit by selecting the items you want to tag and then selecting the "Add Tags" at the top of the list.

Add and Remove a Tag
In Kubit you are able to add or remove these Tags via the Dictionary page.
- Navigate to Dictionary > Item.
- Click into the Tag column of the Item you want to add or remove a Tag on.
- Select the Tag you want to apply to add and then click " Apply Tag".
- To remove, select the Tag and deselect it from the pop-up menu then click "Apply Tag".
You're able to bulk edit by selecting the items you want to tag and then selecting the "Add Tags" at the top of the list.

Where Do I See Tags in Kubit?
Once you've applied your Tags to the items available in Kubit your organization will see these as groups of Events, Fields, Measures, etc. in the selection widget.
Now users can see your data grouped into logical tags and better communicate how this data relates to your use cases, features, and KPIs.

Build a Managed View
Kubit streamlined the user experience with Tagging. This allowed users to sort through various events in a simple way. Using this as the foundation, we now introduce Managed Views.
For customers with lots of data or high barriers to entry, the Managed View will allow new users only to see data that has been tagged. New users can toggle to the Managed View in the Quick Access Dictionary. There they will see the Events, Fields, Measures, and Cohorts curated for them.
To add something to your Managed View, go to the dictionary, and tag it with the provided "* Managed" tag. To see your Managed View, open the Quick Access Dictionary while building a report, click the dropdown option at the top, and select Managed View.

Updated 17 days ago