Learn how to create custom groups of user roles in Kubit
The Admin panel is the primary area where users with Admin level permissions can manage:
- User Access to your Kubit environment
- User Groups to easily assign users to the correct group of Roles and Permissions
- User Roles to define various types of access users can have
Admin role required to view Admin Panel and settings
You can find the Admin panel in the top left under user options. If you are not an Admin you will not see this option.
Groups Page
Within Groups an Admin can create custom groups of permissions based on your business structure, team responsibilities or various departments leveraging Kubit.
Groups will allow for scaled permissions assignment.
These groups can be created in Kubit or from an SSO LDap group. You will see the difference in the middle column titled "Group Type".
Create A Group
If you decide to create custom Groups in Kubit simply click "Create Group" at the top right corner and provision your new group as needed.
You will need to add an Assigned Role to the group. These permissions will be set for all users assigned to that Group.
Once completed you will go to the individual user and assign them to that Group via the Admin Panel - User screens.
Disable a Group
If you've created a Group and no longer need it you'll follow these two steps:
- Remove all Users from the Group so their access is not disrupted.
- Disable the Group by clicking the 3 vertical dots to the right of the Group Name.
Updated 13 days ago