Organize Your Dashboards
Learn how to manage dashboard permissions, organization, and publishing
Dashboard Organization
Within Kubit you have several ways to manage dashboard visibility, permissions, and organization. These behaviors rely on what Dashboard Permissions you possess for each dashboard. Please review our help article on Dashboard Permissions to learn more.
Dashboard Sections
➕ New Dashboard
This button creates a new empty dashboard. When created it will be added to "My Dashboards".
You can read more about Dashboard Creation here.
Favorite Dashboards
This section is what users will see when they favorite a Dashboard for the first time. Dashboards are favorited by clicking the ⭐️ icon next to a dashboard title. You can also click the three-dot menu on the right of their title card in the sidebar and select "favorite"
My Dashboards
This section is what users will see when they make their own Dashboard for the first time. This will allow them to see all of your unpublished Dashboards.
Dashboards here are still visible via Search or shared links with team members.
Published Dashboards
This section is what all users will see by default. It contains all Dashboards that have been published by users.
Once a dashboard has been published it will no longer appear in your "My Dashboard" folder.
Shared with Me
When you are added to a dashboard via Dashboard Permissions it will appear in this folder.

How to Publish Your Dashboards
After you create a dashboard it's automatically added to your My Dashboards location in the left navigation. This is where it will stay until it's Published or Deleted.
Once the dashboard is complete and ready to be shared you'll most likely want to Publish it so other team members can easily see it on their Published Dashboards.
Follow these steps to Publish your Dashboards:
- Locate your Dashboard in the My Dashboards location in the left navigation.
- Hover over the Dashboard name until the vertical three-dot menu is visible.
- Click the vertical three-dot menu and find "Publish".
- Click "Publish" and locate the appropriate location for your newly published dashboard.
- You're able to drop it into the main Published location or navigate to the file folders.
- When you've found the appropriate location click "Publish Here" in the lower right corner.

How to Unpublish Your Dashboards
After you publish a dashboard you may realize you need to Unpublish it.
Follow these steps to Unpublish your Dashboards:
- Locate your Dashboard in the Published Dashboards location in the left navigation.
- Hover over the Dashboard name until the vertical three-dot menu is visible.
- Click the vertical three-dot menu and find "Unpublish".
- Click "Unpublish".
- Confirm you want to "Unpublish" the dashboard and it will appear back in your My Dashboards location.

Manage your Dashboards and Folders
When looking at the sidebar in the Dashboards activity, there are several three-dot menus:
Published Dashboards menu
This is now where users create Folders. Folder creation is only available in the Published Dashboards section.

Folder menu
This is where the user can find options to rename or delete a folder.
Dashboard menu
Users can Copy URL, Favorite/Unfavorite, Publish/Unpublish, Move, Duplicate, and Delete Dashboards.
These actions are contingent on having the right User Permissions or being the owner of that Dashboard. If you don't have the right access to select an option, it will be grayed out.

Updated 14 days ago