
R309 - 2023-07-27

  • Create Funnel from Path
  • Create Cohort on Retention chart with Breakdown

Create Funnel from Path

Perhaps as you're looking at user journeys in Path you find one which is interesting and you want to make tweaks to your product to improve that particular journey. Then, you need to start monitoring the conversion rates within that journey over time, so you want to create a Funnel. Now you can do this with just a couple of clicks:

  1. Right-click on the step of the Path where you want your Funnel to end
  2. Click Create Funnel

When you do this, the newly created Funnel infers the Partition, Subject, Time Unit, Date Range and Breakdown from the Path. The Order is set to Exact by default as this is what you see on the Path, but you can still change it.

There's also a few limitations:

  • Can't have Others as ending step (won't see Create Funnel option when you right-click on top of Others)
  • If the Path is using Expand/Merge/Fold events the Create Funnel option will be disabled on right-click (greyed out)
  • The Funnel is always created from the beginning of the Path. Only the end is defined by the user.
  • You can only create Funnels when the Path Direction is set to Forward. When set to Backward the Create Funnel option will be disabled on right-click (greyed out) as shown below:

Create Cohort on Retention chart with Breakdown

You can now create a Cohort from Retention chart even when it has a Breakdown. You can simply right-click on any box of the Retention chart and then hit Create Cohort and you will be redirected to the Cohort builder where you can sample or save your newly-defined Cohort.