
R290 - 2023-03-16

  • Added an option for case-insensitive matching to String operators in Filters
  • Improvements to Breakdown
  • Can now add Event = Any on the last step of a Funnel

Added an option for case-insensitive matching to String operators in Filters

Now you can switch between case-sensitive and case-insensitive matching when Filtering over String fields by clicking on the Aa icon:


When case-sensitivity is on the icon will be blue as above and when it's turned off it will be greyed-out like this:


The icon will only appear whenever one of the following Filter operators is selected:

  • contains
  • starts with
  • not starts with
  • ends with
  • not ends with
  • matches
  • not matches



Case-sensitivity is turned on by default!

Improvements to Breakdown

Breakdown Order control

By default when Breakdown is configured Kubit will display the top groups by volume for the defined time period, which is essentially a Descending Order of results. We have now also added the option to do an Ascending Order so you can see not only the most active groups, but also the least active ones.



The Breakdown Order is part of the analysis input, so to apply it you will have to Execute the analysis (again).


Breakdown group ranks are displayed on the chart

When an analysis has a Breakdown Kubit will show up to 8 groups on the chart (top 8 by default in Query). You control which 8 groups to be shown through the dropdown menus which allow you to display any group from the top 25. Kubit will now display each group's rank on hover over the group selector and also when you open the dropdown.


Can now add Event = Any on the last step of a Funnel

This is useful when you want to create a Cohort of users who ended their user journey on the penultimate step of a Funnel. When you use Event = Any on the last step of a Funnel this means that all the users who converted on that step did something after the penultimate step and all the users who didn't dropped off.

In the example below we use Event = Any in the last step of a Funnel to see that 37% of users who logged in dropped off immediately after that:




Event = Any is only available when Order = Sequence or Custom and the last step is sequential (not exact).