
R255 - 2022-07-14

Added ability to calculate Rolling Retention in addition to Normal (default) and to switch between Retention and Churn. Also enabled Bar chart and Y-axis controls in Retention.

Added ability to calculate Churn rate in Retention

‍You can now do Churn analysis in Retention by simply flipping a switch. Does not require re-execution for existing analyses.


Added ability to calculate Rolling Retention in addition to Normal (default).

  • Normal: if user returns on day X of the retention period they are counted as retained
  • Rolling: for a user to be counted as retained on day X they have to also have come back on every day of the retention period from 1 to X.

Added Day 0 to Retention

Retention analysis results now also include a column for users who returned on the same Day/Week/Month/Year. Existing analyses will not be broken, but since the results are cached this column will be empty. In case you want to see results for Day 0 all you need to do is execute the analysis again.

Enabled Bar chart and Y-axis controls in Retention

  • You can now also view Retention results as Bar charts :bar-chart:
  • Y-axis controls are available for Line and Bar chart Retention results